Rainbow Bridge

 When it comes to stories about the human spirit during Covid-19, the Rainbow Bridge springs to mind. There was an excellent article about the bridge, which arose only recently, on royaldocks.london

Where Is The Rainbow Bridge?

When visiting London, if you get the chance to see the Rainbow Bridge, you will need to visit the Royal Albert Wharf.

London is more known for the Royal Albert Hall

Pictured above is the well known Royal Albert Hall, not exactly the same as the Royal Albert Wharf. Whilst the Royal Albert Hall is a centre for cultural excellence, the Royal Albert Wharf, home of the Rainbow Bridge, is a new apartment complex.

To find out more about the Royal Albert Hall, visit here:

UK Business Directory

To find out more about the Royal Albert Wharf, visit their website:

How To Find Out More About The Rainbow Bridge

Since the Rainbow Bridge is located in London, in the area of the a new apartment complex, for those who want to visit, perhaps as a testimony to the British spirit during lockdown, here are the contact details:

Address: 1 Shackleton Way, London, E16 2GX
Phone:    +44 20 3627 4988
Email:     sales@nhhg.org.uk

How Did The Rainbow Bridge Come About?

According to royaldocks.london:

"Local resident Andrew Morris wanted to do something creative during lockdown. The resulting rainbow bridge, created with Bow Arts Trust who run RAW Labs, has become an inspiration.

It started on a single balcony in Royal Albert Wharf. “We wanted to do something for ourselves, and hopefully also put a smile on other people’s faces,” says Andrew Morris, remembering the strange days of the deepest lockdown. Everyone was stuck indoors, clapping for NHS carers every Thursday. “I was looking forward to that little routine every week. I wanted to show my appreciation.” Alongside his girlfriend, Andrew, an architect who also runs design research platform Studio Curiousity decided to decorate their balcony with colourful ribbons, arranged in a rainbow pattern.

Rainbows were everywhere during early lockdown, as people chalked them on pavements and children drew pictures and put them in their windows. They were a reminder that while we might have felt isolated, we were not alone. Keen to expand the project, Andrew contacted Bow Arts Trust’s RAW Labs, Royal Albert Wharf’s artist collective, about a collaboration – momentum for the balcony rainbow was building among local residents and on social media. RAW Labs arranged permission from Notting Hill Genesis, the housing association, for a large-scale version to be installed on the foot bridge spanning the water."
